Wednesday, April 1, 2015

2015 A to Z: A is for ...

All this month I will be participating in the A to Z challenge.  I will write a post  every day except Sundays.  Twenty-six posts, one for each letter of the alphabet, starting with "A" on April 1.

There were a lot of topics I considered for the letter A:

Advanced planning...nope, I had good intentions, but I never got around to planning my topics.

Anxiety...yeah, I've had some of that, especially this morning when I realized that April 1, the start of A to Z, was TOMORROW!!!!

Aliens, Animals,  A**holes, and Al Gore...were all topics I decided not to write about.

So, I guess A is for Avoidance.  I visited other blogs and made comments.  I went to the accountant and signed our taxes.   I made my 2014 payment to an IRA.  I even worked a little in the garden and cleaned the bathrooms.  I was doing pretty much anything rather than writing.  Avoidance is a lot of work.  I hope I'll get back into a writing groove.  I'm already getting anxious about what to write for B.


  1. Oh don't you worry. The ideas will come. Nice blog you have here. You have got a regular visitor now:)

  2. I think you chose well to start off the month. And that's no April Fool's joke! :-)

  3. Advocating avoidance is amusing. Love what's going on here.

  4. B is for Boring? As in La -Boring over a topic??? Well done, by the way -- I can imagine myself in your footsteps!

  5. Good for you for adopting a routine! I guess it's what gives us goals to reach for.

  6. I was going to suggest "B" is for Bear, but you see how that worked out for me in my blog. So my advice is to stay away from that idea! I can't wait to follow your posts through April, you always brighten my day with your wit.

  7. I am REALLY good at avoidance haha.

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  8. I'm good at avoiding the dishes in the sink. But we will need something to eat out of tonight, so I must get them done. Oh well. :)

  9. Avoidance is a good one! I avoided the A to Z altogether this year but hope to be back next year. So glad you are up to the challenge and I look forward to reading your posts all month!

  10. You did a good job of coming up with your topic, especially at the last minute. I have anxiety also about this challenge. I’m going to try to hang it there though.
    I am interested to see what you come up with for B.


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