Thursday, April 18, 2013

P Is For Procrastination

P Is For Procrastination

I considered letting the title tell the whole story and leaving the rest of this post blank.  All day I've been mulling over P words and putting off actually writing anything. 

I do a lot of writing in my head; it's getting it down in digital form that's the challenge.  At night I lull myself to sleep putting sentences together with just the right words.  These perfect sentences rarely get written anywhere but inside  my brain.  During the day I frequently find myself thinking "Oh, I should write about that," but, again, I don't write it down.

Writing is not the only thing I procrastinate.  Maybe I enjoy the rush of trying to meet a deadline at the last minute?  Maybe I miss the days when I never had enough time to get everything done?  Now I have the time, but little urgency.  I've done quite a bit of travel this past year, always packing at the last minute, at 2:00 AM when I need to leave for the airport at 5:00 AM.  I know I procrastinate with the tasks that I don't enjoy.  Although I considered myself early with my taxes this year as I dropped them at the post office at 4:00 PM, a full hour before the 5:00 closing.  Most of the things I put off are not difficult, I just don't want to do them.  On the rare day that I make a "to do" list, it's almost a given that there will be distasteful task left undone.  They make it back on the list for several days before I break down and get it done. 

I am currently procrastinating the following:
  • Drain and clean hot tub
  • Make dentist appointment
  • Clean out spare bedroom ( It's a hoarder paradise, storing everything that might come in handy or have a sentimental value, but it's the room where the granddaughters will sleep this summer.)
  • Write Q-Z posts for the A-Z Challenge
Procrastination: it's a character flaw...and I have it!


  1. I procrastinated today on minutes for a recent meeting, but got my packing list for Africa started. Maybe that's a wash?

  2. Unfortunately, I have it, too. If it's not of major importance, it gets put off and put off.

  3. That's the reason I don't make a list: if I do, I will definitely find something distasteful that needs to be done. I see my dentist every six months and they bug me if I don't come on the designated day. Otherwise, it would be my least favorite thing. :-)

  4. I'm the same way, all day at work I compose an awesome blog post in my head but by the time I get home, I'm just not in the mood to put it down. By the time I am, I've forgotten the majority of it, or it just doesn't sound as good as I thought it did. I tell myself to takes notes all the time, and then I never do.

  5. It's good to know I'm not the only one who writes amazing blog posts in my head but never actually types and posts them. I had a great one composed last night but chose to watch Mad Men instead of writing.

    Procrastination is something I fight daily, which is why I'm strict about making myself lists and setting deadlines. If I didn't, I'd put most things off until the last minute. People think I'm organized. Ha! If they only knew my organization is me very willfully overcoming my penchant for procrastination.


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