Saturday, April 12, 2014


All this month I am participating in the A to Z Challenge.  Today's letter is...
For Kayak

Late last summer the spouse and I took a kayaking class from the Hermiston Parks and Recreation Program.  I had wanted to try kayaking, but wasn't sure if I would be able to do it.  The class offered us a way to learn about kayaking, try out the equipment, and see if we really enjoyed it.  We did!  I was pleasantly surprised that I had the stamina to keep up with the the other, much younger, participants.  It's an outdoor activity, and you do it sitting down!  

The group shot before we leave  Warehouse Beach
Heading out to open water

At the end of the day ( I'm the 5th from the right)  Notice the beautiful golden light as the sun starts to set.

We tried kayaking again last month when we were in the Florida Keys.  We had so much fun that we decided to buy our own kayaks.    Cabela's has them on sale...I see a road trip to Yakima in my future.


  1. Wow, what fun! I'm wondering if I could do something similar. I thought you have to learn how to get out of a roll and all sorts of unpleasant stuff. I guess not! :-)

  2. I knew an artist whose kayak was always on top of the car. At every show she searched out a suitable river. I never worked up the enthusiasm.

  3. You are brave. I'm just too afraid of the water to do this. I think this is so neat. Good for you.

  4. Good for you! My husband gave it a try and had a tip over. But he still enjoyed it.

  5. If I was a water person I might like kayaking. It's quiet and peaceful.

  6. Isn't it great when you both find a fun new thing to do together? I grew up on the water and sailed the Pacific by Los Angeles, so I know you will have a lot of fun.

  7. That is great! I love kayaks. We currently have an inflatable. It's solid as a rock when inflated, but I don't like the work involved with it.

  8. Upon reading your post, I want to try kayak here in Manila. I guess Rayomarine offer this kind. Thanks for sharing. You pushed me trough!


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