Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is For U-Tube

We're almost at the end of the A to Z Challenge, where I work my way through the alphabet all month, every day except Sunday.  We've either reached the more challenging letters, or I'm just running out of material!  Today's letter is

For U-Tube 

(yeah, yeah...I know it's YouTube, but cut me some slack.  Did you want me to write about unicorns or underwear?)

I was searching YouTube for interesting U videos and this was the first one to pop up.  I love this song!  I just want to sing and dance along.  Enjoy!


  1. You are permitted to do anything you want, Jann. I'm just enjoying your posts! :-)

  2. Fun post ... but what are you going to do when it comes to Y?!?

  3. At this point in the challenge I have found it necessary to stretch a little also. By the way, thank you for the ear worm :).

  4. Back when the girls played alphabet game on car trips, those "No U-turns" on the interstates were longed for. They always seemed thickest from A to P.

  5. U can have any letter U want.
    It only needs to sound like the one required.

  6. I love the choice. I love the song. You are efficient and creative with this post. It counts.

  7. MC Hammer...oh my...parachute pants..I have tried to forget.
    Very fun.

  8. This was great! Wish I could dance like those girls but...alas I would end up on my face! Love your posts:D


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