Saturday, April 19, 2014

Q is for Quotation

All this month it's the A to Z challenge and today's letter is...

For Quotations

I like a good quotation, and apparently I'm not the only one.  I'll save an inspiring quotation on Pinterest, but I'm not sure why.  It's not like there's a shortage of motivational and moving quotations posted on Facebook every three minutes.  When I need a quote for a blog post I'll just google up "quotes about friendship" or "quotes about stupidity" and a huge selection appears on my screen.

Here's a good one...

"Two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
- Albert Einstein

Were you thinking that I'd have a point to make?  Sorry, there is no point to this post.  I was just tired of reading all those stupid self improvement, believe in yourself, forgive and be free postings on Facebook.  The only things that irritate me more are the blackmail postings.  You know, the ones that say "if you love your mother you'll click like," or "if you support our military you'll leave a comment; if you're a heartless commie you'll just scroll on by."  If you like this blog, you'll leave a comment...or just send me a winning lottery ticket!


  1. I don't do lottery tickets, but here is my comment. I love inspirational quotes but I do wonder about the meaning or reason why people put quotes on Facebook. I also wonder why they need to tell me they are getting a pedicure.

  2. I guess I'd leave you a winning lottery ticket if I had one. Instead, here's my comment filled with appreciation for you and your sense of humor! :-)

  3. I do like Facebook, but you have just pointed out some of its annoying features. I don't know how, but I read somewhere that someone is making money out of those "Share if you hate cancer" posts.

  4. I love that Einstein quote - he was good for that sort of thing! No lottery tickets on my blog - but you could be in with a good chance in my giveaway at the moment. No self-improvement, no ads, hate them all. Like your blog, though!
    Blogging from Alpha to Zulu in April

  5. Ha! I dislike those self-improvement / blackmail posts too. Despite that I do love being able to keep up with friends and family on FB.

  6. I have a Facebook account, but I have not opened it since my birthday in 2012, that's almost two years ago. I often wonder how this generation with all their devices and speedy thumbs will turn out. I love to blog and of course I send emails, but that's as far as it goes with me. I like quotes and the internet is really good for finding the appropriate ones.

  7. I too dislike all those "if you...., then send this to 20 of your friends" (especially the religious ones because they make you feel guilty). But the minute I see, "send this..." I delete it. My thoughts are that my one prayer are worth more than 20 emails...
    As for Facebook, I prefer blogging, but do check onto it from time to time... mainly to see picture updates from family and/or friends.
    And I love interesting or funny quotes - but it's kind of personal what one likes - so what is interesting or funny to some, may be *not so much* to others (or heaven forbid even offensive - altho my own take is that too many people get offended too easily these days.)

  8. I love the Einstein quote. I can never remember quotes that I like and envy a number of my friends with the ability to have an appropriate saying or quote off the top of their heads.

  9. I don't buy lottery tickets, so you get just a comment. Great quote. Too bad I cannot pull them out as required.

  10. I love this post! Yes, Facebook is full of stupid and annoying and useless stuff. It's getting harder to separate the wheat from the chaff. And if you agree with this you do NOT have to repost it!

  11. Human stupidity is a given. I love Einstein and always enjoy his quotes. :)

  12. I am so tired of facebook for all the reason you list. Occasionally, I will repost some saying on there. Opps, I shouldn't because I hate getting those posts all the time. I have no lottery ticket for you. My comment isn't worth much either. Laughed at your great post. That was worth a lot.

  13. This is the first honest post I have ever read. Thank you thank you. I'll be back.

    Over from the A to Z.

  14. I am completely on board with your comments about those "Blackmail" posts! I can't understand why people insist on sharing those thing not just on Facebook but also in e-mails. My "favorites" are the ones that threaten you with terrible consequences if you don't go ahead and pass them along. I'm also so tempted to write back to the sender and say "Please get a life and find something more rewarding to contribute to the world." But I usually just delete them because I have a strong feeling the sender would just delete my message if I wrote that and send me another threatening message soon after. :-)


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