Thursday, April 7, 2016

A to Z 2016 Challenge: F is for Firewood

Our first night at Sunset Bay State Park we built a fire in our firepit.  We have all the fixings for smores but, without the grandchildren with us, neither of us really fancied all that chocolate and sugar.  It doesn't feel like a real camping experience without a fire.  The Oregon State Parks know this and have turned campfires into a revenue stream.  One of our duties is to sell firewood every evening from 5:00 to 8:00.  We do this from the comfort of our site.  On the weekend when the camp was busy we had people stopping by all day and well into the night for firewood.  We're enjoying the interactions with people.  Everyone is on vacation and happy to be at the beach.  So are we!


  1. I can understand not wanting to have smores without the grands! :-)

  2. Campfires and smores are such perfect buddies,but yes, kiddies around the fire are needed too.

  3. Fire pits are so popular everywhere now that we have people who see the ricks we heat the studio with, and stop and ask to buy some.

  4. Meeting happy people makes the days brighter, with or without s'mores.

  5. I agree about the smores. We don't have them unless the grandkids are with us. Three bucks is a very good price for a bundle of firewood.


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