Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nana Has Facebook Friends

I’m a fairly recent participant in Facebook. I joined to keep track of my grandchildren. My daughter posts the funny little things that they say and do, and I feel more a part of their daily life. I’ve also enjoyed keeping in touch with friends and co-workers from my pre-retirement life. I have reconnected with old friends and even “friended” a fellow blogger who I only “know” through the internet.

Sometimes I will see a friend out in the real world and will wonder how they knew about something that is going on in my life…and then I will remember that I wrote about it in the blog and the blog posts to Facebook. The world is becoming a much smaller place.

I’m not one to post the minutia of my life on Facebook, but I may be in the minority. I continue to be surprised by some of the content that others post, but, on the other hand, there are probably people surprised about some of what I’ve written about on the blog. Several of my Facebook friends post a daily “message from God.” So far God has not asked to friend me. That’s probably just as well because I find the “On this day God wants you to know…” messages a little creepy.

Bristol Palin was back in the news this afternoon apologizing for racist and homophobic slurs she and her sister, Willow, made on Facebook. I found it interesting that the news media labeled her statement as an apology. What she really said was that she and her sister "shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family. We apologize." She wasn’t really sorry for using the homophobic slurs, just sorry that she posted them on Facebook.

I don’t have a relative who is a potential presidential candidate, but I won’t be making any racist or homophobic comments.  And, I guess I won't be apologising for anything either.


  1. I'm only on Facebook because members of my family use it. I am really not keen myself and agree with you. Its strange what others put on there. Rule of thumb is, if you don't want others to know about it, simply don't put it on the Internet!

  2. I love Facebook, as it has connected me with people from all phases of my life. Because I use my maiden name and both my married names, they can find me.

  3. First thanks for commenting on my blog "bowling for turkeys". It's always great to hear from a new person.
    Second, you are a very funny and entertaining lady. My kinda gal.
    Third, ain't life weird when two old birds like us find each other over turkeys and facebook?
    I'll certainly be back to read your blog, if for nothing else the WTF Wednesdays...tee hee

  4. I have been stubbornly resisting Facebook. When I see what people feel the need to tell others, it makes me worry about the future of the world.

  5. I love my virtual friends as much as my "skin" friends, Nana! But I also am not one to post minutia about my life, since I don't particularly like to read about others. Love that I can stay connected to people I probably won't see any time soon!

  6. Gotta say I'm a big fan of FB. MySpace used to be all the rage and I got myself a profile but it was too cumbersome having to go to each person's individual page to read things. With FB everything about everyone is conveniently right there on the News Feed, being able to keep in touch with family/friends who live far away is a blessing! And of course there's Scrabble...

  7. Way back when, I signed up for Facebook. I think I've gone back once or twice, but my blog and email are about the only social networking I can seem to manage. I tried Twitter for a while, but that didn't get me all a-twitter, either.

    I must say, I agree with your assessment of the Palin girls! You're not only beautiful, you're smart. LOL, did that make your day or what?

    Enjoy your snow. I'm enjoying our sunshine.

  8. I recently joined Facebook and was surprised to find that some people keep popping up all over the place, all the time. Too tiring for me.

  9. I love Facebook. It is how I keep up with my family. I wish we lived closer, but since we don't I at least can somewhat keep up with what is going in their lives.

  10. I find that I'm enjoying finding old and new friends on Facebook. I try to be careful about my online presence. In a way, it's a nice way to chat for a few minutes. Often, I find a friend's comment or wall post will put that much needed smile on my face too!

  11. Having my mum, work friends, bosses daughter and one of my clients as facebook friends is quite a good way off ensuring I don't post inappopriate things. Still find I can cause a drama by saying the most innocent things.


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