No, I haven't thrown out the spouse! We're heading to the coast this weekend. For the past several years we have gone to the Oregon coast for a few days after Christmas. It's usually cold and wet and uncrowded, and we like watching the waves crash ashore from the comfort of an overheated beach-front hotel room. This time of year the whales are migrating along the coast to the warmer waters in California and Mexico and there's always a chance that we'll spot one through the binoculars.
Rain or shine we'll be walking the beach. The spouse has a new toy, a metal detector. He has visions of finding great treasure buried in the sand. I am once again a stereotype, the metal detecting senior citizen!
This year we're meeting my college roommate and her husband at the coast. I made lots of great memories with Beth when we were younger. I'm looking forward to catching up with her and creating some new one.
The after-Christmas sales are calling. I really don't need anything, but the factory outlet mall at the coast is an opportunity for Beth and I to have some quality bonding time over discounted fashions. Before I leave home I need to make room in my overfilled closets for any new treasures and fashion finds.

Since I retired I have purged my wardrobe several times. It has been difficult for me to let go of my professional wardrobe. My head knows that I don't need, and will never wear, all those suits that are still hanging on padded hangers, but there's a little voice that says "what if..." Little by little I'm letting go and replacing professional wear with fleece, cotton jersey, and denim. I also have a new category of leisure wear to incorporate into my wardrobe, RV clothes. Since our RV is small and has limited storage, RV clothes are those that are multipurpose and can be rolled up and packed into a small space...and still be marginally presentable. I don't have a travel iron in the RV!
It's time for me to quit the delaying tactics and get busy. How many pairs of high heeled black patent leather pumps does a retired senior need? It's so hard to decide if I want to keep the wedges or the heels. This is definitely a first world problem!